jEdit 5.6 version history (changes since jEdit 5.5.0) :encoding=UTF-8: {{{ Version 5.6.0 Thanks to Björn "Vampire" Kautler, Matthieu Casanova, Hrotkó Gábor, Alan Ezust, Makarius, and Dale Anson for contributing to this release. {{{ Bug Fixes - Fix MiscUtilities.isBackup() method when there is no suffix and prefix set (patch #4088 - Makarius) - Do not loose the screen line count of lines that were not modified when inserting multiple lines (minor optimization) (#4091 - Matthieu Casanova) - Fixed a NPE when trying to choose a non existing icon when adding a toolbar item (#3770 - Matthieu Casanova) - When launching jEdit if a file named like the untitled buffer from perspective exists, then load it (#4087 - Matthieu Casanova) - Do not only highlight the first match in hypersearch results (#4083 - Matthieu Casanova) - Re-add missing help viewer back and forward icons (Björn "Vampire" Kautler) - Fix wrong behavior of input method framework support that returned wrong locations for offsets and wrong offsets for locations (#4082 - Björn "Vampire" Kautler) - Upgrade OS X launcher stub to be compatible with newer Java versions (#4077 - Björn "Vampire" Kautler) - Fix Untitled Issue with -background command line option (Patch #617 - Hrotkó Gábor) - Handle case where user has not set either a backup prefix or suffix (#4069 - Dale Anson) - Fix odd default colors for style editor (#4055 - Dale Anson) - Fix NullPointerException in Preview Javadoc macro (#2412 - Dale Anson) - Fix dockable buttons not wrapping correctly (#2626 - Dale Anson) - Fix electric scroll not working with page up/down (#2719 - Dale Anson) - Correct location of context menu popup (#4073 - Dale Anson) - Fix file browser splitter buttons not working (#4081 - Dale Anson) }}} {{{ Miscellaneous - Important improvement to Font substitution for documents that contains characters that are not supported by the default font (Matthieu Casanova) - Major performance improvement at displaying big files by changing the call to Font.layoutGlyphVector() (Matthieu Casanova) - Made a larger plugin download dialog, patch submitted in bug #4050 (Kalle Helminen) - Store rules in an array instead of a Map avoiding computations (Matthieu Casanova) - Store the glyph width in the GlyphCache to make token marking faster (Matthieu Casanova) - New EditPaneManager, with convenient methods to get and iterate over EditPanes, get it by calling jEdit.getEditPaneManager() (Matthieu Casanova) - New BufferManager, all you need to get loaded buffers from jEdit get it by calling jEdit.getBufferManager() (Matthieu Casanova) - New ViewManager, all you need to get loaded existing views get it by calling jEdit.getViewManager() (Matthieu Casanova) - Added new method JEditBuffer.hasProperty() (Matthieu Casanova) - Apply UI language changes immediately without the need to restart. (Björn "Vampire" Kautler) - The tray icon on Linux systems now by default tries to detect the proper background color and also lets the user either select a fixed color for the background or select some arbitrary rectangle as background for the tray icon, making the icon much less ugly on dark themes. (Björn "Vampire" Kautler) - The Windows EXE launcher now considers JAVA_HOME environment variable if no matching Java is found in the registry (Björn "Vampire" Kautler) - The Windows installer now uses modern and resizable style and allows installation without administrator privileges (Björn "Vampire" Kautler) - Chinese Taiwan localization from David Day (Patch #620 - Dale Anson) - Fix all deprecation warnings produced when compiling with Java 9 (Dale Anson) - Adjust Appearance option pane to allow setting "primary" and "secondary" fonts for all look and feels (Dale Anson) - Improve Regular Expressions documentation (Björn "Vampire" Kautler) }}} {{{ API Changes - StringList.join() method is now deprecated as String.join() is now provided since Java 8 (Matthieu Casanova) - TextUtilities.join() method is now deprecated as String.join() is now provided since Java 8 (Matthieu Casanova) - Change BoyerMooreSearchMatcher to make it thread safe (Matthieu Casanova) - New methods IOUtilities.toString(InputStream) (Matthieu Casanova) - New method IOUtilities.toByteArray(InputStream) (Matthieu Casanova) - New UniqueActionDocumentListener class, a DocumentListener that does the same action for every event (Matthieu Casanova) - New AbstractWidget class (Matthieu Casanova) - GUIUtilities.showVFSFileDialog() methods now never returns null (Matthieu Casanova) - New Method VFSManager.canReadFile(path) (Matthieu Casanova) - New method IntegerArray.isEmpty() (Matthieu Casanova) }}} {{{ Editing - Add SIPp edit mode (Matthieu Casanova) - Add Well Known Text (WKT) edit mode (Matthieu Casanova) - Update RPM Spec mode (bug #3880 Matthieu Casanova) - Added openSIPS mode (Matthieu Casanova) - Update Java mode to support Java 10 "var" type. (Dale Anson) - Add PlantUML mode (Andreas Studer / Dale Anson) - Add HL7 mode (Thiemo Kellner / Dale Anson) - Update drawj2d mode (patch #622 A. Vontobel / Matthieu Casanova) }}} }}} jEdit buffer local properties: :maxLineLen=80:wrap=hard:autoIndent=simple:noTabs=true:indentSize=2:tabSize=2: :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=2: